
History of WKACD

In the words of one of our founders, Barbara Schleich, “Western Kansas Association on the Concerns of the Disabled was born to help the disabled person to live a more complete life.” W.K.A.C.D. was started in 1977 and was instrumental, in conjunction with Easter Seals and Fort Hays State University, with starting an accessible van service in Hays for people who have disabilities or are elderly. Although Developmental Services of Northwest Kansas became the leading transportation provider for the Access van service, W.K.A.C.D. continues to be involved with transportation for employment for people with low income and disabilities in Ellis County through a grant from the United Way of Ellis county. W.K.A.C.D. worked with the city of Hays to pass an ordinance allowing the fining of motorists on private lots for parking illegally in handicapped zones and has accomplished many other worthwhile goals throughout the years. W.K.A.C.D. continues to look for opportunities to provide services to people with disabilities in an effort to fulfill our mission.

WKACD’s Mission Statement:

“We, as an organization, are committed to providing well rounded services and advocacy to individuals with disabilities with an emphasis on independent living, transportation, and employment.” This Mission Statement was modified in 2010 with the passing of our 3-year strategic plan.

Letter from Barbara Schleich (Written in 1985)